About Me

Hi, my name is Ken. I created Excel Human Performance for people who want to attain peak performance in their personal and professional lives. For those who want to look and feel their very best. Excel is for you if you want to make a change now, whether it be to lose weight, build muscle, improve strength, be a better and more skilled athlete, and most importantly, a peak performer. The better you feel, the better you perform. As a Human Performance Coach, I work on all aspects of the individual. We establish your goals, hold you accountable, and get you there as quickly as possible.

What to Expect

Communication is most important. We address goals and expectations from the beginning. Then we jump right into a warm up, flexibility training, and strength training and cardio or a circuit to address both. My philosophy begins with injury prevention and flexibility, and continues with some type of resistance training. Resistance training regardless of age is best way to maintain your health.

  • 4152 Central Sarasota Parkway, Sarasota, Florida 34238, United States of America

I Speak Fluently in These Languanges
  • English
How Many Years Have You Been Training?


How Many Years Have You Been a Personal Trainer?


Preferred Skills Level

First Timers, Those with some experience, Athletes and those serious about training

My Certifications

NASM Certified

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