About Me

Hello, I'm Rog and I've resistance training for over 15 years. I am a certified personal trainer through The National Academy of Sports Medicine.

I've done work in the strength and conditioning and hypertrophy areas of physical fitness with beginners all the way to college athletes.
Personal Trainer Cincinnati OH

What to Expect

I have a current client who achieved her weight loss goal in just 6 months after giving birth to her second child. She was also able to complete a half marathon.

  • 2210 Beechmont Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230, United States of America

I Speak Fluently in These Languanges
  • English
How Many Years Have You Been Training?


How Many Years Have You Been a Personal Trainer?


Preferred Skills Level

First Timers, Those with some experience, Athletes and those serious about training

My Certifications

NASM Certified

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