
Traditional Japanese Karate, Fighting, Endurance Training, Pilates, Yoga.

Established in 1976.

Seido Karate is traditional Japanese style of karate, into which its founder, Kaicho Tadashi Nakamura has distilled the essence of what he has learned about the martial arts in over 35 years of study, practice, and teaching.
Throughout the years of growth and accomplishment, we've never lost sight of the focus and discipline of true karate -- our classes are still fundamentally the same as they were more than three decades ago. And more importantly, they are the same classes traditional Japanese karateka would have been familiar with more than a century ago.
We invite you to learn more about Seido Karate, its founder, our style's leadership today, our philosophy, and the rest of the complete picture which makes Seido Karate so attractive to those interested in true Japanese karate.

Meet the Business Owner

Kaicho Tadashi Nakamura N. Business Owner
Tadashi Nakamura is the founder and chairman of the World Seido Karate Organization. A world-renowned karateka, Nakamura is a ninth dan(degree) black belt with over fifty years of experience in practicing and teaching in the martial arts. An expert in use of oriental weapons, Nakamura has given numerous martial arts lectures and demonstrations in many countries around the world.

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